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16 my hootchx.jpg (118018 bytes) 17 namex.jpg (99819 bytes) 18 ToddRayburnx.jpg (107988 bytes) 19 Rayburnx2.jpg (118370 bytes) 20 RipcordCrashx.jpg (108928 bytes)

16. My Hootch    17. WO Steve Butrym    18. WO ? Todd, WO David Rayburn 19. WO Ted Olson-vs-avionics on the wash rack 20. Chinook burning on FSB Ripcord during Evacuation

21 RipcordCrashx2.jpg (127889 bytes) 22Rayburnx.jpg (117970 bytes)  23 vietnam4x.jpg (110936 bytes)

#21&22 This may be what's left of Dave Rayburn's Aircraft. The skids hooked a tree stump upon takeoff from an LZ.

22. WO Dave Rayburn    

23. ?, ?, ?, WO Llewellyn, WO Dave Snyder, WO Shawn Moore, CE Larry Frazier, Sitting WO Don Mears


Memorial Cover Memory jacket.gif (208118 bytes) WO Poe & Crew aPoex.gif (145045 bytes)   WO Wilson aWilsonx.gif (94204 bytes)

Flight School Portraits

24 Saunders2.gif (220860 bytes) 25 Flight School3.jpg (210217 bytes) 26 Flight School4.jpg (220188 bytes)

24 Flight School Class 69-31 (Nickolas Saunders)

25-26 Dave Snyder & Nick Saunders

Historical Documents

ETS estamated time of seperation (date releaved from active duty)

DEROS date estamated return over seas (date leave Vietnam)

DOB date of birth    DOR date of rank

Ets2.gif (110627 bytes)    Ets3.gif (99724 bytes)

Diary Page from 6 May 1970

Diary.gif (97198 bytes) 

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